Just Returned From Epic Birding Trip To Central America

I have to fess up to auto-blogging for the last month.  I pre-wrote some blogs and had them auto-post once per day as I was away in remote areas with either no internet or very slow internet.  Although the posts were on topic for this blog, there were a few filler posts in there as well so I hope you weren’t too bored by them.

A lot happened while I was away.  The AA/US merger is being challenged and on hold.  I am not thrilled as I was looking forward to my US miles becoming AA miles as I need one way awards for most of my trips.

There may have been some technical issues with comments and the blog appearing in Feedly.  While I was away, WordPress had several updates which I didn’t do as I was afraid that something may go wrong while I was unable to fix it.  I do apologize to those whose comments got held up in the spam blocker which also had updates I didn’t do until I got home.

I saw some amazing birds in Central America and one amazing bird in the USA – the  famous Bluebird who feeds on ice cream and beans!  I did an app-o-rama, probably my last as I have run out of credit cards that work for my travel patterns and got to indulge in some manufactured spending to meet the minimum spends, something which can only be done at certain pharmacies in the USA so out of reach for most expats.

I do intend to make up for the auto-blogging with some amazing trip reports and advice on how you can visit some of Central America’s best birding locations using miles and points and staying in some fantastic eco-lodges!  I need the weekend to rest up, get de-jetlagged and go through 1000s of photos but stay tuned as trip reports and photos start on Monday!